
Showing posts with the label start aroma based tasting

How to start an Aroma based whisky tasting

To begin an aroma-based tasting of your whisky, you'll need to gather a few tools and materials. These may include: A clean, clear glass for tasting The Savour-Tasting app for taking notes A glass of water for cleansing your palate A few snacks, such as crackers or bread, to cleanse your palate between sips Next, you'll want to prepare your whisky by pouring a small amount (about 2cl) into the tasting glass. It's important to use a glass that allows you to fully appreciate the color and clarity of the whisky. Once your whisky is poured, take a few moments to appreciate the appearance of the drink. Note the color, clarity, and viscosity of the whisky. Let the whisky rest for a minute or two to let the first alcohol dissipate. Next, bring the glass to your nose and take a few deep sniffs. What aromas do you notice? Is the whisky smooth or harsh? Fruity or earthy? Spicy or floral? Make note of any and all aromas that you detect. After you've fully appreciated the aroma of